Results instead of empty promises!
A business approach to solving difficult problems!
Full responsibility to the client!


LLC "PROFCONSULT" - successfully provides accounting services, carries out activities in the field of management, financial and tax consulting in all regions of Russia.
Since its founding, PROFCONSULT LLC has been focused on developing and supporting the business of our clients. The combination of deep professional experience and practical knowledge allows us to win the trust of our clients and ensure the stable growth of our company.

The team of PROFCONSULT LLC is a professional team (accountants, tax and accounting consultants, analysts, experts) with appropriate professional training and unique experience in consulting for more than 10 years.

We offer our experience and knowledge to those who are interested in the stable development of their business, to those who value reliable partners and are ready to expand the capabilities of their business thanks to trusting relationships with their consulting partners.

We are confident that the solutions we offer will be interesting and relevant for your business, and our responsible approach to solving assigned problems and professionalism will serve as the beginning for long-term and mutual cooperation.

Куценко Евгения
Безбородов Александр
Ольга Акимова
Управляющий партнер
ведущий бухгалтер
Управляющий партнер
Ольга Журавлева
ведущий бухгалтер
Курбанатаева Зайнаб
бухгалтер по первичке
Bezborodov Alexander

Kutsenko Evgeniya
Managing partner
Managing partner
Reviews from our partners
Certificates, insurance policies
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